Anatomy of a product

How does a product work?

In a web app or a product, architecture determines how data is stored, how users interact with the system, how information flows between different parts of the application, and how the application handles tasks like security, scalability, and performance.

Let's split Architecture into two categories:

  1. High level architecture

  2. Low level architecture

High level architecture

The high-level architecture of a web-based product outlines its overall structure and key components, including the frontend interface, backend servers, and databases. It also defines how these components interact to deliver functionality and user experience over the internet.

Low level architecture

The low-level architecture refers to the detailed design and implementation of individual components, modules, and functionalities within the system. This includes decisions about specific technologies, frameworks, libraries, and coding patterns used to build and integrate these elements to fulfil the requirements of the product.

Given the complexity and intricacies involved, our focus will be on exploring the high-level architecture of web-based products. This approach lets us explore the key principles and strategies behind successful product development in a straightforward manner.

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